Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Right is an Obligation - Kamal el Batal, the Human Rights Director at the World Council For The Cedars Revolution

Beirut December 15th, 2006

A Right is an Obligation

Kamal el Batal, the Human Rights Director at the World Council For The Cedars Revolution, submitted on the 14th of December 2006, an accusation before the Lebanese Judiciary against a group of public servants and of journalists and against their institutions. The accusation came after Mr. Batal has been subjected from this group to a severe slandering campaign.

Kamal el Batal submitted this accusation:

Believing that Human Rights are the basis of the development of society,

Firmly committed to Human Rights for more than 25 years, without asking for any form of recognition,

Because his relationship with and interest in the human rights victims are the only gauges he considers,

Because he constantly exposed all human rights violations, even at the expense of damaging friendships,

Based on his endless defense of human rights activists and of journalists, thus enabling them to accomplish their tasks and overcome all obstacles,

And because, first and foremost, he considers that all human beings have rights and obligations, working hard to convince everyone that the very first duty is the claiming of ones rights when they are violated.

Kamal el Batal hopes that every person would do the same when subjected to such behavior. He wishes to notify the society that as a result to this campaign he was questioned by many, received many suspicious calls, held many explanatory meetings, received warnings, threats, as well as letters of caution and others of clarifications.

Kamal el Batal hopes that the public opinion will understand his accusation, and that it encourages everyone to seek justice through the Judiciary.

Arabic Version Here [ LINK ]

Friday, December 15, 2006

Press Release Letter to UNSG Kofi Annan on Chap 7 and Sudanese Ismail in Lebanese Affairs

The World Council of the Cedars Revolution
Representing the hopes and aspirations of many millions of Lebanese throughout the Diaspora

Thursday 14th December 2006
Washington Bureau

H.E. Kofi Annan
Secretary General
United Nations Assembly
New York, NY 10017

- The World Council for the Cedars Revolution (WCCR) has warned repeatedly that
UNIFIL without a Chapter 7 mandate is merely a mild mannered observer.
- WCCR rejects completely the interference of the Sudanese Mustafa Ismail in
Lebanese affairs

Dear Dr. Annan,

It must have become obvious to any responsible officer who is observing or attempting to contribute positively to negotiations which might help to bring some kind of a peaceful existence to the people of Lebanon. The UNSCR 1701 has stipulated a military personnel presence of thirty thousand, comprising of fifteen thousand from the Lebanese army and fifteen thousand from the international community. All disbursed along the Israeli/Lebanese border and the Syrian/Lebanese border.

The dilemma for Prime Minister Siniora is that his Commander of the Lebanese army General Michel Sleiman being a Lahoud appointee, is a close ally of the unconstitutional President and he too is pro Syria.

Prime Minister Siniora’s acknowledgement of Syrian arms being smuggled into Lebanon to Hezbollah and their terrorist allies was a cry for help. He is caught in an incredible predicament.

The Lebanese army has tens of thousands of Syrian and Iranian insurgents who have found their way to policing the Syrian/Lebanese border, thus allowing the free flow of arms from Syria to Hezbollah, the armed Palestinians, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Islamic fundamentalists.

Prime Minister Siniora seems to be calling out quite clearly for the UNSC to effectively mandate chapter 7 to Resolution 1701 and allow the international forces to effect a total ban on the flow of arms and identify Syrian and Iranian insurgents and drive them out of Lebanon once and for all. After considerable consideration and from the onset of our recommended draft of what has now become UNSCR 1701, we advise that chapter 7 is absolutely essential if Lebanon is to have any chance of stability and redevelopment. It might even be necessary for a period of three to five years to allow the dust to settle and give people a chance to become accustomed to normal life once again in this beautiful land.

The WCCR is also extremely concerned at the involvement of the Sudanese Mustafa Ismail in the negotiations between the conflicting parties in Lebanon. Our reliable advice about Mr Ismail is that he has been the root cause of much of the conflict in the Sudan, which has seen loss of life in huge proportions. We the Lebanese do not need any further advice or solutions from other well wishing Arab diplomats who look to build a reputation at the expense of the honorable people of Lebanon. We have experienced their best with the Taif agreement which gave Syria control over Lebanon for fifteen years. All Arab nations watched from the comfort of their homes as the people of Lebanon suffered the tyranny of the Syrians and the reprisals of the Israelis because of terrorist activities against them from Lebanese soil.

The people of Lebanon have entered into a democratic phase. The opposition, whilst perfectly entitled to protest, must be civilized. By all means protest, it’s their constitutional right to do so, but a protest should end on the day it is held. The business and normal rate paying residents of the heart of the city of Beirut are equally entitled under the constitution to a normal life in business and at work.

If the opposition wishes to become a part of government, they must wait until the next democratically held parliamentary elections and hope they succeed to form or share in government.

There is absolutely no reason why the majority Siniora government should share power with a terrorist militia which is better equipped militarily than the Lebanese army. Let Hezbollah and other terrorists surrender their arsenal to the Lebanese government and then we shall all call for a unity government.

We call on the United Nations Security Council to be at the ready to protect Lebanon’s civil society in the event that Iran, Syria and their terrorist allies in Lebanon decide to attack and bring down the democratically elected Siniora government.

Sincerely yours,

Joseph P Baini

CC. UNSC Members

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Mediation of Arab League Delegate Mustafa Uthman Ismael in Crisis in Lebanon not welcomed


For Media Release

13th December , 2006

Ambassador Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser
President UN Security Council
Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations
809 United Nations Plaza, 4th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10017

RE: Mediation of Arab League Delegate Mustafa Uthman Ismael in Crisis in Lebanon not welcomed.

Dear Ambassador Al-Nasser,

The International Lebanese Committee for UNSCR 1559 rejects the mediation of Mustafa Othman Ismael of Sudan in the current crisis in Lebanon. Mr. Ismael is the emissary of the genocidal President of Sudan, Omar Bashir. Sudan is responsible for the deaths of over one million South Sudanese and Darfurians and is presently, at best, thwarting the efforts of the United Nations aimed at resolving the present crisis in Darfur. Replace the Janjaweed in Darfur, with the terrorist regimes of Iran and Syria and their proxy militia, Hezbollah and the similarities become quite clear. Under the auspices of Mr. Ismael, events in Lebanon could turn out as disastrous as events in Sudan.

The Sudanese regime of Omar Bashir, with its horrendous records of human rights abuses, is only doing the bidding of its fellow Arab League member state, Syria and is allied with Iran and Hezbollah in their plans to overtake the democratically elected government of Lebanon. Mr. Ishmael is not welcome in Lebanon. Let him go back to his own country and stop the genocide in Darfur.

However, we welcome any Arab leagues initiative as long as they are part of UNSC and for full implementations of UNSC Resolutions 1559 & 1701

Sincerely yours,

SG for ILC UNSCR 1559

Mediation of Arab League Delegate Mustafa Uthman Ismael in Crisis in Lebanon

The World Council of the Cedars Revolution
Representing the hopes and aspirations of many millions of Lebanese throughout the Diaspora

December 12, 2006
Washington Bureau

Press Release

RE: Mediation of Arab League Delegate Mustafa Uthman Ismael in Crisis in Lebanon

The World Council of the Cedars Revolution rejects the mediation of Mustafa Othman Ismael of Sudan in the current crisis in Lebanon. Mr. Ismael is the emissary of the genocidal President of Sudan, Omar Bashir. Sudan is responsible for the deaths of over one million South Sudanese and Darfurians and is presently, at best, thwarting the efforts of the United Nations aimed at resolving the present crisis in Darfur. Replace the Janjaweed in Darfur, with the terrorist regimes of Iran and Syria and their proxy militia, Hezbollah and the similarities become quite clear. Under the auspices of Mr. Ismael, events in Lebanon could turn out as disastrous as events in Sudan.

The Sudanese regime of Omar Bashir, with its horrendous records of human rights abuses, is only doing the bidding of its fellow Arab League member state, Syria and is allied with Iran and Hezbollah in their plans to overtake the democratically elected government of Lebanon. Mr. Ishmael is not welcome in Lebanon. Let him go back to his own country and stop the genocide in Darfur.


Title WCCR in the Lebanese/Arabic Media

Title WCCR in the Lebanese/Arabic Media

سنة على غياب شهيد ثورة الارز جبران التويني
في ذكرى استشهاد النائب جبران التويني السنوية الأولى أصدر المجلس العالمي لثورة الأرز التالي: بعد سنة على غياب الصحافي الذي لبس الصحافة بكل هيبتها، وحملها بكل رونقها، وقادها بكل جسارتها، حتى أضحت بجد السلطة الرابعة، في وطن معذب تسيطر عليه جيوش احتلال لا تعرف لياقة في التعامل مع الناس، وتحكم بنيه أجهزة مخابرات هي وليدة قمة الأنظمة التوتاليتارية وقد تتلمذت على يد أساتذة القهر والظلم والاستبداد، وإذا به يطوعها ويتحداها قتخافه بدل أن يخافها وتحسب له الحساب بدل أن يأخذها هو بالحسبان. يوم كتب جبران مقالته الشهيرة «مع الحقيقة حتى يجف الحبر» كان يتحدى للمرة الأولى من لم يكن أحد يجرؤ على مجرد التفكير، ليس بانتقاده، بل حتى بعدم التبخير له. يومها وأنا أقرأه أحسست بأنه كسر القيد الذي كانوا يريدونه أن يمنع الكلام لينطفئ الحلم، فشعرت بأن لبنان لا بد أن يقوم. قال لهم بأنه سيستمر في المجاهرة بالحقيقة ولو كلفته دمه. وإذا به يرسم بهذا التحدي خط المستقبل، ويرفع شعار النضال، ليكسر جدار الخوف، ولسان حاله يقول مع منصور الرحباني «قوي قلبك وهجوم يا بتوصل على الموت يا بتوصل عل الحرية». كان جبران رفيق الكل وملهم الشباب. أخرج نفسه من معادلاتهم منذ هجومه الأول وحرر كلمته، ولو لم يستطع تحرير الكل. كان النظام المفروض قد نفذ على الصحف أكثر أنواع المراقبة إرهاباً وهي «المراقبة الذاتية» فلا حاجة لأحد أن يقول لك ما هو المسموح والممنوع بل عليك أنت أن تعرف حدودك بنفسك فتمتنع بدون أن يسألك أحد عن النقد أو مقاربة الممنوعات، وحتى الإشارة إليها، أما الأمثلة في العقوبات والانتقام فكفيلة بتعليم من لا يتعلم، وبمجرد أن يتذكر الصحافي أسماء كسليم اللوزي مثلا وكيف سلخت يده اليمنى التي كان يكتب بها ووضعت بالأسيد قبل أن يُقتل، حتى يرتدع من ذاته ولا يجرؤ على التفكير بالاعتراض. وحده جبران أخرج نفسه من تلك المعادلة ووحده صارحهم وقال لهم وللعالم ما لم يحب أحد أن يسمعه. نفتقدك اليوم يا جبران بعد سنة على غيابك، ونفتقد لقلمك الصارم والصريح ذاك الذي يعرف أن يسمي الأشياء بأسمائها بكل وضوح ولكن بتهذيب ولباقة. نفتقدك لأن الساحة تكاد تخلو من الأبطال، فهم يقتلون الواحد تلو الآخر من دون أن يرف للقتلة جفن لا بل ازدادوا وقاحة، فيوم قتلوك وقفوا عن بعد، أما اليوم فهم يقتلون مواجهة وفي عز الظهيرة ولا يحسبون لأحد حساب. نفتقدك لأنهم عرفوا كيف يفرقون بيننا وعرفوا كيف يستغلون ضعفاً عند بعضنا وسذاجة عند البعض الآخر، عرفوا كيف يربون في قلوب البعض حقداً ليس بالسهل انتزاعه، ونحن نعرف أنه إنما سيقضي بالنتيجة على حامله ولذا فالوطن والشعب سيدفعان الثمن قبل أن نتخلص من هذا الحقد ومفاعيله. نفتقدك يا جبران لأن الوطن الذي أحببت والشعب الذي فاخرت به والاستقرار الذي حلمت أن نتفيأ في ظله، يمرون كلهم في ظروف صعبة ويجتازون نفقاً آخر من الأنفاق المظلمة التي يدفعنا المغرضون باتجاهها. ويا جبران، يا من أضفت لاسم حملته مزيداً من الفخر لتزداد شلوح الأرز اخضراراً وجبال لبنان شموخاً، نحاكيك في عليائك أن تغفر لهم فهم لن يعرفوا أين تسير بهم الأمواج التي يعتقدون أنهم يحركون، وهي إنما تتهيأ وتتعالى لتقلب السفينة بمن فيها، فهل من نجاة في البحر الذي يهيجون إن هي غرقت؟ وأي مصير ينتظرنا إن نحن لم نحسن التدبير؟ جبران... يا قلباً كبيراً بحب لبنان ويا منارة عالية على رؤوس جباله، رفضت الرضوخ لتهديدهم ورفضت الذل والسكوت فصرت مارد الكلمة وملهم العنفوان وستبقى خالداً في سجلات التاريخ وعنواناً لمرحلة التحرر ومثلاً يُحتذى لكل المناضلين، وإن القسم الذي رددته وراءك جماهير ثورة الأرز سيوحد اللبنانيين ويعيد لهم العز والافتخار ولن يقدر المغرضون على قتل الحلم الذي زرعته في النفوس أو وقف حركة التاريخ السائر قدماً مهما وضعوا العراقيل أمام المسيرة أو حاولوا إرجاعها إلى الوراء». الكولونيل شربل بركات تورونتو 6 - كانون الأول/ ديسمبر
[ LINK ] -

Press Release General Michel Aoun MP We Trusted You and You Sold Us Out

The World Council of the Cedars Revolution
Representing the hopes and aspirations of many millions of Lebanese throughout the Diaspora

Tuesday 12th December 2006
Washington Bureau

Media Release

General Michel Aoun MP
- We Trusted You and You Sold Us Out
- We Respected You and You Trampled Upon Our Respect
- We Worked With You and You Betrayed Our Efforts

For the duration of your fifteen years of exile in Paris, you spoke and seemed to convince the Lebanese Diaspora that you were the champion of the cause for the restoration of Lebanon’s sovereignty, independence and democratic freedoms. Your supporters who were dispersed around the world, also in exile, proudly projected your loyal and nationalistic qualities. We were all skeptical nevertheless, we knew that we needed to begin the unifying process somewhere, so we took the chance on working with a group of people who supported a General, Commander of the armed forces of Lebanon, a man who was installed as temporary Prime Minister until a legitimate Presidential election was effected and a new government sworn in.

At that time, your loyalty to the people of Lebanon and your military background and training forced you into an almost fatal position which resulted in your exile. Your enemies at that time were the Syrians and their terrorist allies. Many people in Lebanon and the Diaspora admired your stand and commitment to your responsibilities. We admired even further that you were prepared to gather your forces in Lebanon and the Diaspora and work towards restoration of all that was dignified, great and honorable in Lebanon. Perhaps that was the only way in which you could maintain an effective role in the political arena in Lebanon.

You needed the support of the Lebanese Diaspora and we all of us worked with you, from all political, cultural and community organizations, we worked with you and with other political leaders who showed outstanding leadership in the unifying efforts to produce a combined and powerful movement which would ultimately move the people of Lebanon in numbers exceeding one and a quarter million people onto liberty square and drive the Syrians out of Lebanon in that famous and unforgettable operation known as the Cedars Revolution.

Despite the fact that you had not yet returned to Lebanon, you were one of the leaders of the Cedars Revolution. Your Free Patriotic Movement was there in force. Your participation was unquestionable and your anticipated return to Lebanon was anxiously awaited. Equally anticipated was the imminent release from prison, of the Leader of the Lebanese Forces Dr Samir Geagea.

Together with the return from self exile of the former President and leader of the Lebanese Katateb Amine Gemayel and the active presence of the Leader of the National Liberal party of Lebanon Mr Dory Chamoun, there seemed to be a wave of positive expectation by the people who had been oppressed for approximately thirty years by the Syrians and their terrorist allies.

The people of Lebanon welcomed you in glory with open arms and open hearts and paved the way for you to reach the pinnacle of your clearly stated objectives, but you misunderstood their welcome and their hunger for your presence and you have turned your back on them. That, they will not forgive.

The people of Lebanon placed their trust in you. They elected you and your team comfortably so that you can represent their dreams and motivations for the rebuilding of Lebanon and an honorable and dignified life for themselves and their families, but you have turned your back on them; and that, they will not forgive.
The people of Lebanon were prepared to work with you in the redevelopment of our nation, but you turned your back on them; and that they will not forgive.
Dear General, great leaders serve their constituents and not their enemies. Great leaders communicate with their constituents and not go off on a tangent without the knowledge and support of their public.

You were welcomed, embraced and elected to parliament because of your participation in the original movement of the Cedars Revolution, but you have turned your back on the Cedars Revolution and aligned yourself with the axis of terrorism in Iran-Syria-Hezbollah and their terrorist allies.

Your coup d’etat is in alliance with the very enemies who drove you out of Lebanon and against whom you fought for over seventeen years.

You are now being used by the terrorists to destroy the Cedars Revolution and the democratic freedoms it represents to the people of Lebanon.

Your operatives are roaming throughout the world in collaboration with Hezbollah in an attempt to generate pressure and bring about the fall of a democratically elected government in Lebanon.

You are losing your intellectual support by the hundreds. You are losing your political support by the thousands. By what authority do you take to the podium and pontificate honor and respectability to the great people of Lebanon who have demonstrated their greatness by their ability to withstand all the pressures of terrorist activities, assassinations of their elected officials and the continuous attempts to destroy their unquestionable right to a quality life as free people.

General Michel Aoun MP, are you not guilty of political corruption and manipulation against the very people who elected you? Your alliance with Hezbollah, an acknowledged terrorist organization by the United Nations Security Council, renders you vulnerable to the same classification. For affiliation with terrorists attracts the same classification. That puts you in direct opposition to the people who elected you. You should resign your position in parliament, for you may be deemed to be there under false pretences.

Before you drown yourself in the quagmire of terrorists, the door is still jarred open for you to return to the fold and take your position among the greats of the Cedars Revolution and protect the sovereignty, independence and democratic freedoms of the great people of Lebanon.

For the World Council of the Cedars Revolution

Joseph P Baini

Saturday, December 9, 2006

WCCR Press Release - Recommendations of the Iraq Study Group Catastrophic for Lebanon

The World Council of the Cedars Revolution
Representing the hopes and aspirations of many millions of Lebanese throughout the Diaspora

For Media Release

December 8, 2006
Washington Bureau

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
RE: Recommendations of the Iraq Study Group Catastrophic for Lebanon

Dear Mr. President:

Adopting the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group regarding the engagement of Iran and Syria will be suicidal to America's interest in the Middle East and will be tantamount to accepting defeat in the War on Terror. America's allies in the region will be dealt with harshly and the Cedars Revolution will be left to fend for itself, virtually defenseless against the terrorist Hezbollah militia and their fascist sponsors, Iran and Syria. Lebanon will be lost to the axis of evil and the enemies of America and the free world will be emboldened and will step up their offensive.

Thee Cedars Revolution is under siege-at present the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora is surrounded by the dark forces of Hezbollah and their allies of the rejectionist Palestinian groups, Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and agents of the Syrian intelligence. The actions of our government over the next few days and weeks will determine the fate of those 1.5 million Lebanese (and countless others in Lebanon and the Middle East) who bravely took to the streets on March 14, 2005 to show their love of liberty and freedom and their rejection of intolerance, hatred and occupation. Mr. President, what will our answer be to their pleas? Will we deliver them to their oppressors or continue to support them in their quest for freedom and democracy?

To the worldwide Lebanese community, it was like a breath of fresh air when you decried the former US policy of making deals with dictators and totalitarian regimes in the Middle East to achieve stability and peace. Coddling these tyrants has achieved neither goal as Mr. Baker should be well aware. Indeed, the last vestiges of free Lebanon were brutally overrun in 1990 in exchange for Syrian cooperation in the First Gulf War while Mr. Baker was acting Secretary of State. Fourteen trips to Damascus by Mr. Baker in his capacity as Secretary of State accomplished nothing. Does he think that now that the Syrian regime smells blood it will relent and stop brutally assassinating Lebanese leaders or stop sending Jihadis into Iraq to avoid domestic problems? Will the Iranians magically stop supporting their proxies Hezbollah and the Mahdi Army before or after it develops nuclear weapons?

What is needed is even stronger support for our allies in the region and a policy of regime change in both Iran and Syria. We must redouble our efforts to breathe new life into the dormant democracy in Lebanon, support the leaders of the Cedars Revolution, the NGO's that promote democracy and pluralism and civil society in general, which had been under the total control and occupation of the Syrian military and intelligence for nearly three decades. This occupation was sanctioned by the Taef Accord, sponsored by Saudi Arabia and Morocco, and adopted by the United States and France under the stewardship of none other than James Baker. An event in history that set Lebanon back fifty years. . Excuse the chill running down the back of every Lebanese throughout the world at the very thought of a possible solution for Iraq, Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East with the imprimatur of James Baker. James Baker has once before sold out Lebanon to the totalitarian Syrian regime, and must never be given a second chance . The people of Lebanon are fully aware of the consequences.

Can the United States turn its back on Lebanon again? If so, it would create a catastrophe of major proportions. It would embolden and encourage Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and all of their agents to regain total control of Lebanon, and continue on their reigns of terror worldwide. It would almost certainly spell the beginning of the end of US Middle East diplomacy. Appeasement only served to strengthen Hitler in World War II; it will do the same for Iran and Syria.

National Council of WCCR/USA
World Council of the Cedars Revolution

Thursday, December 7, 2006

WCCR Press Release-In Memory of Gebran Tueni (one year)

المجلس العالمي لثورة الارز


مكتب الاعلام
واشنطن، الولايات المتحدة الاميركية
8th of December 2006


سنة على غياب شهيد ثورة الارز جبران التويني

بعد سنة على غياب الصحافي الذي لبس الصحافة بكل هيبتها، وحملها بكل رونقها، وقادها بكل جسارتها، حتى أضحت بجد السلطة الرابعة، في وطن معذب تسيطر عليه جيوش احتلال لا تعرف لياقة في التعامل مع الناس، وتحكم بنيه أجهزة مخابرات هي وليدة قمة الأنظمة التوتاليتارية وقد تتلمذت على يد أساتذة القهر والظلم والاستبداد، وإذا به يطوعها ويتحداها قتخافه بدل أن يخافها وتحسب له الحساب بدل أن يأخذها هو بالحسبان.

يوم كتب جبران مقالته الشهيرة "مع الحقيقة حتى يجف الحبر" كان يتحدى للمرة الأولي من لم يكن أحد يجرؤ على مجرد التفكير، ليس بانتقاده، بل حتى بعدم التبخير له. يومها وأنا أقرأه أحسست بأنه كسر القيد الذي كانوا يريدونه أن يمنع الكلام لينطفئ الحلم، فشعرت بأن لبنان لا بد أن يقوم. قال لهم بأنه سيستمر في المجاهرة بالحقيقة ولو كلفته دمه. وإذا به يرسم بهذا التحدي خط المستقبل، ويرفع شعار النضال، ليكسر جدار الخوف، ولسان حاله يقول مع منصور الرحباني "قوي قلبك وهجوم يا بتوصل على الموت يا بتوصل عل الحرية".

كان جبران رفيق الكل وملهم الشباب. أخرج نفسه من معادلاتهم منذ هجومه الأول وحرر كلمته، ولو لم يستطع تحرير الكل. كان النظام المفروض قد نفذ على الصحف أكثر أنواع المراقبة إرهابا وهي "المراقبة الذاتية" فلا حاجة لأحد أن يقول لك ما هو المسموح والممنوع بل عليك أنت أن تعرف حدودك بنفسك فتمتنع بدون أن يسألك أحد عن النقد أو مقاربة الممنوعات، وحتى الاشارة إليها، أما الأمثلة في العقوبات والانتقام فكفيلة بتعليم من لا يتعلم، وبمجرد أن يتذكر الصحافي أسماء كسليم اللوزي مثلا وكيف سلخت يده اليمنى التي كان يكتب بها ووضعت بالأسيد قبل أن يقتل، حتى يرتدع من ذاته ولا يجرؤ على التفكير بالاعتراض. وحده جبران أخرج نفسه من تلك المعادلة ووحده صارحهم وقال لهم وللعالم ما لم يحب أحد أن يسمعه.

نفتقدك اليوم يا جبران بعد سنة على غيابك، ونفتقد لقلمك الصارم والصريح ذاك الذي يعرف أن يسمي الأشياء بأسمائها بكل وضوح ولكن بتهذيب ولباقة.

نفتقدك لأن الساحة تكاد تخلوا من الأبطال، فهم يقتلون الواحد تلو الآخر دون أن يرف للقتلة جفن لا بل ازدادوا وقاحة، فيوم قتلوك وقفوا عن بعد، أما اليوم فهم يقتلون مواجهة وفي عز الظهيرة ولا يحسبون لأحد حساب.

نفتقدك لأنهم عرفوا كيف يفرقون بيننا وعرفوا كيف يستغلون ضغفا عند بعضنا وسذاجة عند البعض الآخر، عرفوا كيف يربون في قلوب البعض حقدا ليس بالسهل انتزاعه، ونحن نعرف أنه إنما سيقضي بالنتيجة على حامله ولذا فالوطن والشعب سيدفعان الثمن قبل أن نتخلص من هذا الحقد ومفاعيله.

نفتقدك يا جبران لأن الوطن الذي أحببت والشعب الذي فاخرت به والاستقرار الذي حلمت أن نتفيأ في ظله، يمرون كلهم في ظروف صعبة ويجتازون نفقا آخر من الأنفاق المظلمة التي يدفعنا المغرضون باتجاهها.

ويا جبران، يا من أضفت لاسم حملته مزيدا من الفخر لتزداد شلوح الأرز اخضرارا وجبال لبنان شموخا، نحاكيك في عليائك أن تغفر لهم فهم لن يعرفوا أين تسير بهم الأمواج التي يعتقدون أنهم يحركون، وهي إنما تتهيأ وتتعالى لتقلب السفينة بمن فيها، فهل من نجاة في البحر الذي يهيجون إن هي غرقت؟ وأي مصير ينتظرنا إن نحن لم نحسن التدبير؟

جبران... يا قلبا كبيرا بحب لبنان ويا منارة عالية على رؤوس جباله، رفضت الرضوخ لتهديدهم ورفضت الذل والسكوت فصرت مارد الكلمة وملهم العنفوان وستبقى خالدا في سجلات التاريخ وعنوانا لمرحلة التحرر ومثلا يحتذى لكل المناضلين، وإن القسم الذي رددته وراءك جماهير ثورة الأرز سيوحد اللبنانيين ويعيد لهم العز والافتخار ولن يقدر المغرضون على قتل الحلم الذي زرعته في النفوس أو وقف حركة التاريخ السائر قدما مهما وضعوا العراقيل أمام المسيرة أو حاولوا إرجاعها إلى الوراء.

تورونتو 06 - كانون الأول - 2006
الكولونيل شربل بركات

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Resignation of the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton

The World Council for the Cedar's Revolution
Representing the hopes and aspirations of many millions of Lebanese throughout the Diaspora

WASHINGTON, DC, December 5, 2006

The World Council of the Cedars Revolution is deeply saddened by the recent resignation of the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton.

Ambassador Bolton was steadfast, committed and dedicated in his vision of a Middle East, free of terrorism and oppression. He was clear, concise, and unrelenting in his work and in his view on the tough issues he faced regarding North Korea, Iran and the Middle East, and was the best individual to bring about reform to the United Nations and to the Middle East

Ambassador Bolton also worked towards ending human rights violations throughout the Middle East, more specifically in Lebanon, and for that he will be deeply missed.

President Bush best summarized this loss when he stated that “he [Ambassador Bolton] served his country with extraordinary dedication and skill, assembling coalitions that addressed some of the most consequential issues facing the international community. During his tenure, he articulately advocated the positions and values of the United States and advanced the expansion of democracy and liberty.”

The World Council of the Cedars Revolution extends its gratitude to Ambassador Bolton for his work towards the restoration of democracy to Lebanon, wish him the best for the future, and hopes that his replacement will continue the great work the Ambassador has done.