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Mediation of Arab League Delegate Mustafa Uthman Ismael in Crisis in Lebanon

The World Council of the Cedars Revolution
Representing the hopes and aspirations of many millions of Lebanese throughout the Diaspora

December 12, 2006
Washington Bureau

Press Release

RE: Mediation of Arab League Delegate Mustafa Uthman Ismael in Crisis in Lebanon

The World Council of the Cedars Revolution rejects the mediation of Mustafa Othman Ismael of Sudan in the current crisis in Lebanon. Mr. Ismael is the emissary of the genocidal President of Sudan, Omar Bashir. Sudan is responsible for the deaths of over one million South Sudanese and Darfurians and is presently, at best, thwarting the efforts of the United Nations aimed at resolving the present crisis in Darfur. Replace the Janjaweed in Darfur, with the terrorist regimes of Iran and Syria and their proxy militia, Hezbollah and the similarities become quite clear. Under the auspices of Mr. Ismael, events in Lebanon could turn out as disastrous as events in Sudan.

The Sudanese regime of Omar Bashir, with its horrendous records of human rights abuses, is only doing the bidding of its fellow Arab League member state, Syria and is allied with Iran and Hezbollah in their plans to overtake the democratically elected government of Lebanon. Mr. Ishmael is not welcome in Lebanon. Let him go back to his own country and stop the genocide in Darfur.